Sunday, January 30, 2011

Eureka !! I have invented a 4 ingredients impossible pie !

I have had two of my recipes published in the 4 Ingredients books. Today I sent in another one. . I have managed to cook a delicious Impossible Pie using only four ingredients. Here it is the super easy, super tasty  Ralph's Impossible Pie.


1 cup shredded coconut

1/2 cup plain flour

1 can sweetened condensed milk

1 packet Forster Clarke's Egg custard

( for the purpose of the 4 Ingredient books water and salt & pepper seasoning are not regarded as ingredients)

Put everything in a blender. Add a can of water to dilute the milk.
Blend until well mixed. Pour into a non stick pie dish and bake at 200 deg until golden brown. Let it cool and set. The coconut will rise to the top and brown and the flour sink to the bottom to form the crust. You need a custard powder that will set firm.

Delicious with ice cream!

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